Our Goal
Our goal as breeders is to produce animals that exceed standards in both the show ring and the milk pail.
This is done by acqiring goats from around the country, and crossing bloodlines that have good qualities, to procue an animal
with qualities of both sire and dam. We have acquired goats from lines such as the Blue Moon Acres in MD, Sanctuary Farm in MD, Pemberley Acres in VA , and many of these lines lead back to the green gate line, piddlin acres. And Nubians from Beverly Hills
in TN. And LaMancha's From Daltons Way in NJ.
Our Goats
Our Nigerian Dwarf goats are the classical nigerian dwarf, small, dairy and angular. Our Nubian
goats are very large, proud, and very dairy. We strive for a healthy and friendly herd. Our herd
Maryland has been declared TB and Brucellosis Negative.
I am the owner of a yahoo group titled DELMARVA Dairy Goats.. It will have upcoming shows and events... so you
are welcome to join...
Hearts~N~Hooves Dairy Goats
 Click to join delmarvadairygoats
ALL KIDS WILL BE RAISED ON STRICT CAE PREVENTION. Our herd is CAE negative and we want to keep it
that way. They are immediately removed from their mother at birth and raised on pasteurized milk. Not to mention bottle
feeding ensures a friendly, stable temperament.
We are proud to be one of the few breeders in this area that bottle feed.
Our Barn
Our barn is currently under renovation.
!!New Picture Coming Soon!!
