A monetary deposit of $50 for the kid of your choice or $100 for the
adult of your choice will hold the kid/adult for 30 days, or in the case of kids until they are weaned. Unless other
arrangements have been made. Kids will be weaned at about 3-4 mos of age. We will feed them for up to 4 weeks.. and then
the buyer has the choice to take them at that time, or leave them with us for the duration of weaning, for an extra $25, due
to the cost of kid milk replacer, and the time and money it takes me to feed and milk the dam, unless other arrangements have
been made. BUCKS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 8 WEEKS due to their ability to become fertile at that age. In
the case of Nubian Bucks, they must be picked up by 4 months. A boarding fee of $1 a day will be enforced after
8 weeks. Any bucks that have not been picked up by 8 weeks will be castrated, unless I have made arrangements with
the buyer. We also offer a 10% discount for any 4-Her/FFA member, 10% off each additional goat purchase, and
10% off if they are going to a show home. And when you buy an animal from us, we assure you that we will answer
any questions you may have about your new baby... I know we had quite a few when we first got started! When you buy an animal
from us. It is guaranteed to be a healthy animal. With no disqualifying faults (unless stated). Our animals are guaranteed to
be fertile. If an animal becomes infertile we will replace it or give a refund. Wethers are $125.
Thank you for your understanding
What happens when you buy a goat from us?
You get life-time support from us. We feel that as breeders it is our duty to help the new owners. You may call us at
ANY time if you need our help, or if you have any questions.